Mr. Alderson once said, If at first you don’t succeed, you’re running about average. I recently did a 3 day fast, which took some effort on my part to accomplish! I had never fasted for 3 consecutive days before. Like some of us, I have fasted for a day or part of a day many times. You never know what you’re capable of doing until you do it. You are guaranteed to fail if you never try!! You also gain confidence from doing one thing that you have never done before, and that confidence can help you with other goals or challenges.
During the fast I only consumed purified water and coconut water for the first two days. I had to overcome headaches and hunger. Went to my favorite book for encouragement, it never fails me!!! The first day was the hardest. After the first day my body started to adjust to not having food. I also learned that the body has the ability to feed itself, it’s a fat reserve we all have. When you fast, it’s not a good idea to watch much tv. You discover that there are too many food commercials. On the 3rd day I ate water melon along with the water and coconut water.
Part of my goal of fasting, was to detox my kidneys. I did some research before starting the fast. There are many opinions as to the benefits of fasting however, I believe it’s a good idea to do a fast. In fact, I believe we should fast multiple times a year. You should consult your doctor and you should be in fairly good health before doing one. I’m of the opinion that most doctors today don’t want to cure diseases so you can continue coming to them(to become dependent). I know some of my doctor friends or friends in the medical profession won’t agree with me. Doctor only want to prescribe medication or perform surgeries when there are alternatives.
While fasting from food, I also fasted(or took a break) from social media. So that meant no facebook, linkedin, and Instagram. This part of the fast was easier than going without food. If I was younger, not going on social media would have been harder. Those people younger than 30 can’t go 5 minutes without looking at their phone. Whatever you want to do, it will take effort. Give it your best effort and step out on faith. Remember: you don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great!
